
Increasing the productivity of your content infrastructure, a CMS provides you with powerful tools to create, automate and collaborate on content.

A CMS is a Content Management System. Most of these now are considered Platforms and have become very sophisticated. The original idea behind such systems was to separate “content” and “design”.

Content, meaning the words on the web page or the images in the content (not images in the design) and design meaning the colour scheme and page layout.

Many customers misunderstand this when we interview them about a website and I can not emphasise how important it is to get this across. What you don't want to happen is to have the customer ring and ask "How do I change the look of the the "news articles". I thought that I could do that." after you have delivered the completed site.

Old School Publishng

What is Web Publishing

It’s about the right content at the right time and in the right format!

According to Techopeadia, Web publishing  is the process of publishing  original content on the Internet. The process includes building and uploading websites, updating the associated webpages, and posting content to these webpages online.

Much of what is on the Internet is rehashed content. That is why much of the content of sites does not rank well in Google searches Because it is not original.

When you want a site that performs well in searches don't expect to think now I have a website so now I sit back and become rich.

In my experience you need to concentrate on the basics. One of the basics is originality. Many of my clients sites rank well because their words  make the site original.  

The next trick is to load the content with enough key words about the product, brand or service without boring the reader to bounce out because they have fallen asleep at the screen or they thought it was such rubbish they instantly hit the back button. Don't put reams of info that takes more than three paragraphs before you mention the keyword.

Deliver Fresh Content

Content consumption is changing rapidly. An agile solution to distribute your content and empower your digital business model is key to success in every industry. Content you manage and these days you can do it from anywhere 

Separating Content from Design

A CMS is a Content Management System. Most of these now are considered Platforms and have become very sophisticated. The original idea behind such systems was to separate “content” and “design”.

Why a CMS

The advantages of a Content Management System or Platform are in short.....