What is the ACSC Essential Eight?

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) recommends eight essential strategies to prevent malware delivery, limit the impact of cybersecurity attacks and improve recovery. Released in 2017, the Essential Eight is an evolution of the Australian Signals Directory’s (ASD) Top Four recommendations.

The Essential 8 is a cybersecurity framework that outlines 8 critical controls for reducing cyber threats. The simplified version of the Essential 8 is:

The maturity levels range from Level 1 (Ad Hoc) to Level 5 (Optimized) based on the level of implementation and management of the controls.

To start the process of reaching maturity level 2 or 3 with the Essential 8, the following steps can be considered:

Note: The level of detail and complexity will vary depending on the size and complexity of the organization and its infrastructure. It is advisable to seek expert advice and guidance to ensure a successful implementation.

Want a deeper dive into the Essential Eight - Click here.